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Explore the States 西維吉尼亞
Photo of a person dressed up in a mask, hat, suspenders, and ropes

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您知道西維吉尼亞有當地版的嘉年華會(Mardi Gras)嗎?

在紐奧良開始慶祝聖灰星期三(Ash Wednesday)及其他地方開始歡度嘉年華之前,西維吉尼亞的赫爾維蒂當地居民已經懂得慶賀菲斯娜荷特19世紀時,瑞士移民將此慶祝活動帶到了赫爾維蒂。菲斯娜荷特是嘉年華及瑞士冬季慶典的綜合體。瑞士的冬季慶典上,人們會燃燒冬季老伯(Old Man Winter)的肖像以加速春天的來臨(肖像是某人或某物的模型,一般都是人們厭惡的人或物品),因而赫爾維蒂的慶典也著重在嚇跑冬天。


Did you know that West Virginia has its own version of Mardi Gras?

The period before Ash Wednesday is celebrated in New Orleans and elsewhere as Mardi Gras, but in Helvetia, West Virginia, the local people celebrate Fasnacht. Swiss immigrants brought this celebration to Helvetia in the 19th century. Fasnacht is a combination of the celebrations of Mardi Gras and the Winterfest of Switzerland, where Old Man Winter is burned in effigy to speed up the coming of spring. (An effigy is a crude model of a person or thing, usually someone or something that is disliked.) The focus of the holiday in Helvetia is also on scaring away winter.

On the Saturday night before Ash Wednesday, the people of Helvetia put on scary masks and decorate their homes with scary figures to frighten away Old Man Winter. Then they gather at a local restaurant, light colorful lanterns, and walk to the community hall, where they parade around the dance floor as their masks are judged. They dance until midnight, when the fiddler announces it is time to burn Old Man Winter. The prettiest girl gets on the shoulders of the tallest man and cuts down the effigy of Old Man Winter that is hanging in the middle of the room. They drag it out into the snow, rough it up, and throw it onto a bonfire, showing that it's time for winter to end!

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