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Explore the States 西維吉尼亞
Photo of Fiddler Melvin Wine, born in 1909

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扁足舞是一種傳統舞蹈,跳扁足舞時,舞者在做一些非常花俏的動作時,腳必須儘量保持扁平。扁足舞有許多不同的類型,而訪客可以在每個陣亡將士紀念日(Memorial Day)的週末,在查理斯敦的范代利亞集會上看到這些不同類型的扁足舞。最精彩的部分是戶外的扁足舞舞台活動,觀眾也常被邀請共舞,即席學跳扁足舞


其中一個表演者是馬文維(Melvin Wine),他是小提琴手及1981年的首屆范代利亞獎的得主 。這個獎是西維吉尼亞州的最高民間榮譽。他出生於1909年的布萊克斯敦郡(Braxton County),他的懷舊提琴旋律多學自他的舅公及父親,而他們的小提琴則是學自維的袓父。


Can you flat-foot?

Flat-footing is a traditional dance in which dancers' feet are kept flat as they make some very fancy moves. There are many styles of flat-foot dance, and visitors can see some of them at the Vandalia Gathering in Charleston, West Virginia, every Memorial Day weekend. The outdoor flat-footing stage is a highlight, and spectators are encouraged to jump in and kick up their heels.

Since 1976, the Vandalia Gathering has brought together dancers, musicians, storytellers, and craftspeople from small communities and isolated valleys to showcase their talents.

One of these performers is Melvin Wine, a fiddler and recipient in 1981 of the first Vandalia Award, West Virginia's highest folklore honor. He was born in 1909 in Braxton County, West Virginia. He learned many of his old fiddle tunes from his great-uncle and father, who had learned from his grandfather.

The Vandalia Gathering is the place to be if you want to do a little dance, listen to a little music or hear a good story.

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