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Explore the States 西維吉尼亞
Image of 1999 Italian Heritage Festival program cover
1999年義大利傳統節慶(Italian Heritage Festival)的節目表封面

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什麼是boccieBocciebocce (發音為bah-chee)是一種義大利式的室外保齡球;Boccie一般在草地或沙地上進行,場地長約75英尺、寬約8英尺且四邊高起,可單打或組隊進行。每名隊員或每隊朝著一個名叫boccinopallino的小靶球輪流滾動四個球(球的直徑約45英吋),比賽誰的球最靠近那個靶球;所有的球都滾完後,一回合就算告終,凡較對方隊員的球更靠近者靶球者就算得一分;每隊每回合最高可得四分。

1900年代早期,Boccie極受義大利移民喜愛。煤礦公司徵召了許多義大利人來開採西維吉尼亞州的煤礦,其他人則在鐵道及農田上工作。西維吉尼亞的傳統節慶是為了保存及向新一代的人展示義大利的文化傳統,節慶的舉辦地點是克拉克斯堡(Clarksburg),而舉辦時間則為勞工日(Labor Day)的那個週末。節慶內容包括了真正的義大利舞者、義大利宗教儀式、巡迴演出的吟遊詩人及絕對會有的bocce錦標賽。

What is boccie? Boccie, or bocce (pronounced "bah-chee") is an Italian bowling game usually played outside. Boccie is played on a court, also called a campo, that is about 75 feet long by 8 feet wide, enclosed with raised sides. Players can play individually or on teams. Each player or team rolls four bocce balls (4 to 5 inches in diameter), toward a smaller ball, called the boccino, or pallino. The object is to roll the ball closer to the pallino than an opponent's ball. When all balls have been played, it is the end of the frame. A team is awarded one point for every ball that is closer to the pallino than the nearest opposing ball. A team may score up to four points per frame.

Boccie was popular with many of the thousands of Italian immigrants who came to America in the early 1900s. Coal mining companies recruited many Italians to work in the deep mines of West Virginia; others found work on railroads and farms. The West Virginia Heritage Festival was founded to preserve and present Italian cultural traditions for new generations. This festival is held in Clarksburg, West Virginia, on Labor Day weekend. The festival includes authentic Italian dancers, Italian religious observances, strolling minstrels, and, of course, a bocce tournament.  

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