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Explore the States 西維吉尼亞
Photo of fully clothed man sitting in outdoor stone tub
卡本特(Gat Caperton)19983月冬季慶典中扮演現代的喬治華盛頓並歡慶唯一的總統沐浴紀念活動

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冬季的水之宴(柏克萊泉Berkeley Springs)


1748年,當華盛頓還是個年青的土地丈量人員時,他曾造訪過前線的溫暖泉水。印地安人對這個區域相當的熟悉,為了浸泡在山泉中冒著氣泡的溫暖池水中,他們遠從加拿大及卡羅來納前來。1776年,華盛頓及一些朋友在西維吉尼亞州興建了貝斯鎮(town of Bath),旨在款待這些前來泡澡的人。

雖然該鎮的官方名稱仍為貝斯,但自19世紀早期後,它就以柏克萊泉聞名於世。對這些尋求溫泉或礦泉的人來說,它仍是一片綠洲。每年冬天,鎮上都會舉行一場連續三個月的慶祝活動,大肆頌揚水的療效。柏克萊泉國際水測試競賽(Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition)就是活動中的一件大事,競賽委員會品嚐世界各地的水,包括來自於50多個市立水廠的自來水。

其他的活動內容還包括了喬治華盛頓的浴缸慶祝活動(George Washington's Bathtub Celebration)。慶典上還展示了喬治華盛頓的日記,日記內容就記載了他到貝斯鎮的拜訪行程。人們可沿著華盛頓最愛的走道四處遊覽,到州立公園的浴缸紀念館一遊,或者是到華盛頓下榻的小旅館參觀。所以出發前往柏克萊泉,並一探喬治華盛頓泡澡的地點吧!

George Washington -- surveyor, farmer, hero of the Revolutionary War, first president of the United States, and founder of the country's first spa. That's right -- a spa!

In 1748, when George Washington was a young surveyor, he visited warm springs on the frontier. The area was already well known to the Indians, who traveled from as far away as Canada and the Carolinas to bathe in the warm water bubbling up from the mountain springs. In 1776, Washington and some friends established the town of Bath, West Virginia, for the purpose of entertaining those who came to bathe.

Although the town's official name is still Bath, since the early 19th century it has been known as Berkeley Springs. It is still an oasis for those in search of a spa or a mineral spring. Every winter the town hosts a three-month celebration of the healing power of water. One of the events is the Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting Competition. Water from around the world is tasted at this competition, including tap water from more than 50 municipal facilities.

Other events include George Washington's Bathtub Celebration. There are readings from George Washington's diaries about his visits to Bath. People are taken along Washington's favorite walkways around town, to the bathtub monument in the state park and to the inn where Washington slept. So head to Berkeley Springs and see the place where George Washington bathed.

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