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Explore the States 威斯康辛  
Photo of man standing on the top of a red biplane while pilot flies

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出席空中冒險展的訪客,可以近距離的觀看飛機,包括如「聖路易的精神號」(Spirit of St. Louis:第一架飛越大西洋的飛機,途中完全不停靠且由單人駕駛)的舊式飛機、「史提斯」(Stealth)戰鬥機或甚至是超音波噴射客機「協和號」(Concorde)。假如您想要學習飛行,看看「幼鷹」幼鷹駕駛計畫的目標,是給予1百萬位年齡介於817歲的人一趟免費的飛機介紹之旅而這些慷慨旅程的帶領者,都是自願參加此一計畫的EAA 駕駛員。假如您未來想要成為一位駕駛員,您就來到了正確的地方囉!

Have you ever wanted to fly a plane?

If you want to learn about flying a plane, how to make one, or if you just enjoy being around airplanes, come to the Experimental Aircraft Association's AirVenture Show in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. You'll be able to see daredevils like the man on the airplane. A group of people interested in building their own airplanes started the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) in 1953 and organized an air show. Over the years, the organization expanded its mission to include antiques, helicopters and other types of planes.

At the AirVenture Show visitors can see planes up close -- an old plane like the Spirit of St. Louis (the first plane to fly with a solo pilot nonstop across the Atlantic), a Stealth fighter or maybe even the supersonic Concorde. If you want to learn about flying, check out the Young Eagles. The goal of the Young Eagles Pilot Program is to give 1 million people ages 8 to 17 a free introductory airplane ride. These rides are provided through the generosity of volunteer EAA pilots. If you'd like to be a pilot some day, you've found the right place!

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