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Explore the States 華盛頓
Photo of two Cape Fox Dancers in costume

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那麼您一定要到華盛頓州的西雅圖走一趟,參加它的西北民俗祭,觀賞好望角狐舞者(Cape Fox Dancer)的舞蹈表演。

好望角狐舞者是特領吉族印地安(Tlingit Indian)部落的成員。這個舞團是由60位強壯的成員所組成,他們會擊鼓、吟唱及跳舞。傳統的表演包括殺人鯨之舞及歡迎酋長舞。好望角狐舞者會身穿鮮豔、有穗的毛毯製衣物,頭戴附有貂皮(小型鼬鼠)尾的毛帽,並戴上雕刻成鴉、老鷹、熊及狼的木製面具。


Would you like to see the Dance of the Killer Whales?

Then come see the Cape Fox Dancers perform at the Northwest Folklife Festival in Seattle, Washington.

The Cape Fox Dancers are members of the Tlingit Indian tribes. Sixty members strong, they drum, chant and dance. Traditional performances include the Dance of the Killer Whale and the Welcoming of the Chiefs. The Cape Fox Dancers wear colorful fringed blankets, white fur caps with ermine (a small weasel) tails, and wooden masks of ravens, eagles, bears, and wolves.

Held during Memorial Day weekend, the Northwest Folklife Festival is one of the largest events in the country focusing on folk, ethnic, and traditional art. This annual celebration promotes the culture and traditions of the region's Jewish, Native American, African American, Polynesian, Filipino American, Chicano and Mexican communities.

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