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Explore the States 維吉尼亞
Photo of a blue and yellow toy helicopter

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維吉尼亞兒童博物館 (Children's Museum of Virginia) 內的蘭開斯特玩具及火車收藏品 (Lancaster Toy and Train Collection)


蘭開斯特 (A.J. "Junie" Lancaster) 及他的妻子繆得莉 (Mildred) 擁有相當多的玩具及火車收集品,他們想要與他人分享這份收集品。因此他們將它捐贈給位在樸次茅斯 (Portsmouth) 的維吉尼亞兒童博物館。這份收集品包含了2,000多個玩具及火車,價值超過100萬美元!現在,老老少少都能享受Tonka玩具、模型汽車、Buddy L卡車、救火車和錫鐵鑄玩具。另外,這項收集品也包括馬戲團玩具,即內有生動有趣的馬戲團團員、空中飛人及馬戲場馬車的馬戲團帳篷。

然而,大多數的收集品都是模型火車,博物館展有各種類型的火車,如:各種不同尺寸的萊諾 (Lionel) 、威廉斯 (Williams) 及韋弗 (Weaver) 。參觀者能把頭伸入一個明亮的圓蓋內,並以360度的角度觀賞在展覽區軋軋前進的火車,他們甚至能手動操作火車的操縱裝置。


What could be more fun than a museum full of toys?

A.J. "Junie" Lancaster and his wife, Mildred, had a sizable toy and train collection, which they wanted to share with others. So they donated it to the Children's Museum of Virginia in Portsmouth. The collection contains more than 2,000 toys and trains worth about $1 million! Now, young and old can enjoy Tonka toys, model cars, Buddy L trucks, fire trucks, and tin windup and cast iron toys. The collection also includes circus toys -- circus tents filled with colorful circus figures, trapeze artists, and circus wagons.

The majority of the collection, however, is dedicated to model trains. All types of trains -- Lionel, Williams, and Weaver in many different sizes -- are on display. Visitors can pop their heads up into a clear dome and get a 360-degree look at the trains as they chug around the exhibit area. They can even work the trains' controls.

Visitors also learn about railroad safety, the fun of model railroading and collecting, the history of railroads, and the railroads' importance to the development of the United States.

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