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Photo of two women looking at labels on displayed quilts
展覽開始前,荷頓(Joanna Herndon)及豪爾(Marsha Harward)正在為拼布貼標籤

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美國歷史隨處可見,負責照顧一家人的女性,也常感受到創造藝術的迫切需求。她們會使用她們手邊現有的材料(主要都是一些老舊的衣服及家用碎布)來製作拼布。自1847年,拓荒者定居在鹽湖谷(Salt Lake Valley)以來,拼布就成為猶他州的一部分歷史及文化。自此以後,拼布藝術就以母傳女、朋友傳鄰居的型式沿續了下來。拼布需要花費數百個小時、縫上數千針才能完成。



Are there any old quilts in your family? Quilts, which are often passed down from generation to generation, can be an art form as much as something that keeps you warm. A quilt could just as easily be in a museum as it would be in someone's home.

Throughout American history, women who took care of their families also have felt the urge to create art. They used materials they had at hand -- mainly old clothes and rags from the household -- to create quilts. Quilting has been a part of Utah history and culture since pioneers settled in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. The art of quilting has been passed down from mother to daughter and friend to neighbor since that time. Quilts can take hundreds of hours and thousands of stitches to make.

Quilts made in the 1800s are very valuable today, and some people collect quilts just like paintings or sculpture. The Springville Museum in Springville, Utah, has an exhibit every year in June to show off the quilting talents of local quilters. Many quilts tell a story of daily life in Utah through colors and symbols.

To learn more about quilting, go to the "Join America at Play" section of this Web site.

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