

Cowboy Poetry Roundup)的參加人數漸漸增加。在猶他州北部的熊河谷(Bear
River Valley)所舉辦的牛仔詩集會,其特色是當地牛仔們,朗讀他們自己完成的詩作及其他牛仔的詩作。每年都有400至600人出席此一盛會。你也許必須身為牛仔(或女牛仔)才能夠寫牛仔詩,但是任何人都能從中得到樂趣!
Did you know that many cowboys pride themselves on their ability to write and recite poetry? They are reading and writing "cowboy poetry." What is that? Just as the name suggests, it's poetry written by, for, and about cowboys. It describes what life was like for a cowboy in the old days, as well as what life is like today.
The strong story content of cowboy poetry appeals to a mixed audience -- other cowboys and cowgirls, ranchers, city dwellers and farmers. This appeal has led to the growing popularity of the Trementon Cowboy Poetry Roundup. Held in the Bear River Valley of northern Utah, the roundup features local cowboys reading their own poems as well as those of others. Each year 400 to 600 people attend the event. You may have to be a cowboy (or cowgirl) to write cowboy poetry, but anyone can enjoy it!
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