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Explore the States 南達科他
Photo of two women and a girl making kolaches

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假如您是捷克人,也許您家中有一道製作kolaches (唸做koh-lah-chus)的美味處方。這是一道形似小圓麵包的酥皮點心,是傳統的婚宴用菜。代代相傳的Kolaches處方被視為家族秘方,因為每一位捷克人都想做出最美味的kolachesKolache可以塞滿各式各樣的餡料,如:杏仁、櫻桃、梅乾、甜的白乾酪、罌粟籽、甘藍菜、臘腸... 或任何kolaches製作者認為嚐起來美味的配料!您會製作什麼樣的kolache

每年,南達科他州的塔博爾市都會舉辦一個名叫捷剋日的節慶,旨在頌揚它的傳統。1869年前後,捷克斯拉夫的移民在此形成這個小小的南達科他社區。在捷剋日舉辦期間,塔博爾市會充斥著波爾卡舞曲,及剛出爐的kolaches 香味。

Are there any food recipes that your family has passed down from one generation to another? If you are Italian, that might be a recipe for a delicious spaghetti sauce. Irish? Maybe your grandmother had a secret recipe for soda bread. African American? Perhaps there is a special way of making greens.

If you are Czech, there is probably a great recipe for kolaches (pronounced koh-lah-chus) in your family. This is a bun-shaped pastry traditionally served at weddings. Recipes for kolaches are protected family secrets, passed down through generations, because every Czech wants to make the most delicious kolaches. A kolache can be filled with all kinds of things: apricots, cherries, prunes, sweetened cottage cheese, poppy seeds, cabbage, sausage ... or anything else that a kolaches maker thinks would taste good! What kind of kolache would you make?

Tabor, South Dakota, celebrates its heritage every year with a festival called Czech Days. Around 1869, settlers came from Czechoslovakia to form this small South Dakota community. During Czech Days, Tabor is filled with the sound of polka music and the wonderful smell of freshly baked kolaches.

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