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雕刻師博格勒姆(Gutzon Borglum)受邀設計拉什莫爾山。他選擇南達科他州的 黑山,作為這個引人注目的雕刻品的所在地。他決定將大塊石頭自山上移除的最好辦法是使用炸藥。他及他的工人對拉什莫爾山的雕刻作業變得極為熟練,他們小心仔細的計算炸藥放置地點。事實上,這座山高達90%以上都是用炸藥刻成的!剩下的部分則是使用氣動錘完成的。總統的臉是一個接一個,按順序完工的,華盛頓是1930年、傑佛遜是1936、林肯是1937年,而羅斯福是1939。


Can you name the presidents carved on Mount Rushmore?

Carving started on the amazing Mount Rushmore National Memorial in 1927. It continued for 14 years, with the help of more than 350 people. The faces of four presidents are carved into the mountainside: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. At first, there was a suggestion to carve famous western figures, people like Buffalo Bill, Lewis & Clark, and Sacagawea. But a special group, a "commission," instead chose these presidents because they best represented the "foundation, expansion and preservation" of the United States.

A sculptor named Gutzon Borglum was asked to design Mount Rushmore. He chose the dramatic setting for this sculpture in the Black Hills of South Dakota. He decided that the best way to remove large pieces of rock from the mountain was to use dynamite. He and his workers became skilled at carving Mount Rushmore using carefully placed dynamite. In fact, more than 90 percent of the mountain was carved by dynamite! The rest was finished using air hammers. The faces of the presidents were finished one by one, Washington in 1930, Jefferson in 1936, Lincoln in 1937 and Roosevelt in 1939.

Today, Mount Rushmore is one of the most recognized monuments in the United States, with more than 2.7 million visitors each year.  

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