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Photo of kids and families fishing


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小瀑布的運河慶典(Little Falls Canal Celebration)

照片中,參加鎮上舉辦的青少年釣魚競賽(Youth Fishing Derby)的孩子們正在比賽誰能釣到最多魚。這是紐約小瀑布的運河慶典項目之一,這個一年一度的慶典是為了表彰伊利運河(Erie Canal)對該市的重要貢獻。

1800年代早期時,只有少數幾條道路,所以陸運費用極高。而1820年代建造的伊利運河有助於解決紐約州內的交通問題。運河是河道寬廣的人造水道,船隻可經由運河航行。伊利運河連接了伊利湖東岸的水牛城(Buffalo)及位於哈德遜河(Hudson River)上游的奧爾班尼,向南則奔流至紐約市。運河讓人及貨物來回運輸於紐約市及水牛城之間,而且向上可達美國中西部地區。以前一趟索價100美金的陸運費用,現在透過運河運送只需花費10元美金而以前需耗時幾星期才到的了的地方,現在不到七天即可到達。伊利運河對此地區的經濟貢獻良多。

The kids in the photo are competing in their town's Youth Fishing Derby to see who can catch the most fish. The event is part of the Little Falls, New York, Canal Celebration -- an annual festival that celebrates the importance of the Erie Canal to the city.

In the early 1800s, there were few roads, so the shipping of goods over land was expensive. The construction of the Erie Canal in the 1820s helped solve this problem for travel through New York state. A canal is a man-made waterway through which boats can navigate. The Erie Canal connected Buffalo on the eastern shore of Lake Erie to Albany on the upper Hudson River, which ran south to New York City. The canal allowed people and supplies to move between New York City and Buffalo and on to the upper Midwest territories. What used to cost $100 to ship by land now cost only $10 by canal. A journey that used to take a few weeks could now be made in less than seven days. The Erie Canal was an important force in the economic development of the area.

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