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Explore the States 內華達
Buckaroos resting in front of a cabin

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大盆地包含了內華達州的北部地區,它是一個完全開放的領域,一開始即以牛隻故鄉聞名全國。座落於沙漠及高山之間的洪堡河,源起山脈,終於沙漠。它是在內華達州的牛隻牧場上工作的牛仔、牧牛人的故鄉。他們的名字源自於vaquero (唸做bah-care-oh),即牛仔的西班牙字,因為該區的第一批牛仔是會說西班牙語的騎者。

為在土地及牛隻間工作,牛仔們發展出許多不同的特殊技能。他們會驅趕牛隻、用套索捕捉及烙印母牛及為馬兒上馬蹄鐵,而他們最著名的技能是馴馬(讓馬兒適於騎乘),又名「新手上路」(starting colts)除此之外,牛仔還要整理乾草、修補籬笆及將卡車拖離沙漠中的泥洞。他們的工時長且薪資低,然而,身為牛仔的人都是能吃苦耐勞且個性獨立的人,他們選擇在接近大自然的環境下工作。

What's a buckaroo?

The Great Basin, which includes the region of northern Nevada, is wide-open territory primarily known as cattle country. Amid the desert and mountains is the Humboldt River, which begins in the mountain ranges and ends in the desert. This is the home of the buckaroos, cowboys who work on cattle ranches in Nevada. They get their name from vaquero, (pronounced bah-care-oh) the Spanish word for "cowboy," because the first buckaroos in the area were Spanish-speaking horsemen.

Buckaroos have developed many different special skills to work with the land and cattle. They run cattle drives, rope and brand cows, and shoe horses. They are most famous for breaking (making suitable for riding) horses, also known as "starting colts." But buckaroos also bail hay, mend fences, and haul trucks out of desert mud holes. They work long hours for low wages, but buckaroos are rugged independent people who choose to work close to nature.

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