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Photo of person looking at tribal dress on a coat hanger

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它們是印地安人的宗教儀式或社交聚會,活動內容包括了舞蹈比賽及音樂表演。北達科他州俾斯麥的年度聯合部落祈禱儀式始自1969年。聯合部落共包含了北達科他境內的五個印地安部落:靈湖(Spirit Lake)、西色坦渥波頓蘇族(Sisseton-Wahpton Sioux)及斯坦丁洛克蘇族(Standing Rock Sioux)、烏龜山保留區(Turtle Mountain Band)的奇珀瓦人(Chippewa)以及伯特霍爾德堡(Fort Berthold)三個部族,表演者會穿上代表自己部落的彩色服飾。



Powwows are a way for Indian tribes to preserve their culture and hand down traditions. They are Indian ceremonies or social gatherings that include dance competitions and music. The United Tribes Powwow in Bismarck, North Dakota, has been held every year since 1969. The United Tribes are the five tribes in North Dakota: the Spirit Lake, the Sisseton-Wahpton Sioux, the Standing Rock Sioux, the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa, and the Three Affiliated Tribes of Fort Berthold. Performers wear colorful outfits of their tribe.

More than 1,500 traditional dancers perform to more than 40 drum groups at the United Tribes Powwow. Women might perform the fancy shawl dance. Dancers wear beautifully decorated shawls as they do kicks and twirls. This dance is challenging because it requires fast movements. Male dancers might perform the grass dance. A grass dancer wears an outfit with long strands of fabric hanging off it. He would also wear a roach, a kind of headdress with two feathers that rock or twirl as he dances.

There is also an Indian Art Expo and Market at the powwow where Indian artists gather to show their traditional work, such as pottery, jewelry, beadwork, and paintings.

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