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Explore the States 北達科他
Photo of a Viking ship float in parade

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?當政府於1862年通過「宅地法」(Homestead Act)後,數以千計的人會接受此一提議。這項法令表示只要殖民願意住在這片土地上並在此處進行開墾工作至少五年,政府就將這片位於中西部的160畝地免費提供給他們。這項法令是促使19世紀後半期,許多移民不辭遙遠,願意遷移至偏遠西部和北部地區(如北達科他州)的原因之一。


北達科他州的居民喜歡慶祝他們多元化的種族遺產。舉例說明,1999年,山鎮(town of Mountain)為表彰鎮內冰島人的文化遺產,即舉辦了一場冰島人的百年慶典。前來歡慶此一盛會的人逾10,000人,這些人來自於美國、加拿大及冰島各地,甚至連冰島的總統也前來參與此一慶典。慶典的遊行行列中還包含了一艘維京船的複製品。

If the United States government offered you free land, would you take it? Thousands of people did when the government passed the Homestead Act in 1862. This act offered settlers 160 acres of free public land in the Midwest if they lived on and cultivated it for at least five years. This law was one of the reasons why so many immigrants moved as far west and north as North Dakota in the last half of the 19th century.

The immigrants who moved west came from many parts of Europe. Most of them were Norwegian and German, but they also came from such countries as Sweden, Ukraine, England, Finland, and Iceland. By 1915, 79 percent of all people living in North Dakota were either immigrants or the children of immigrants.

North Dakota residents like to celebrate their diverse ethnic heritage. For instance, in 1999, the town of Mountain honored its Icelandic cultural legacy by throwing its 100th Annual Celebration by Icelanders. More than 10,000 people from the United States, Canada, and Iceland, including the President of Iceland, came to celebrate. The festival's parade included a replica of a Viking ship.

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