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Photo of the ship, Minnehaha


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明尼哈哈汽船(Minnehaha Steamboat)


相片中,經修繕復工的汽船,原是往來於雙城都會區(明尼阿波裡斯市及聖保羅)之間的船舶之一,這些船舶是兩城市的街車專用道在明尼托卡湖 (Lake Minnetonka) 上的延伸。這些船舶是1905年時,由雙城快速運輸公司(Twin City Rapid Transit Company)所建造,旨在運送湖岸四周的新生社區居民,船隻的設計與街車類似。它們被漆成淡黃色、紅色及綠色(與街車一樣的顏色),而甲板下的座位及長椅也比照街車的座椅建造。


How can you extend a streetcar line onto a lake? With a steamboat, of course.

The restored steamboat in the picture was originally one of a fleet of vessels that extended the streetcar lines of the Twin Cities -- Minneapolis and St. Paul -- out into Lake Minnetonka. Built in 1905 by the Twin City Rapid Transit Company to serve new communities around the lakeshore, the boats were designed to resemble streetcars. They were painted canary yellow, red, and green, the same colors as streetcars, and the seats and benches below decks also matched the streetcars.

As the automobile became the favored mode of transportation, ridership on the boats declined, and they were scuttled in 1926 in the deeper waters of the lake. Scuttling means to cut or open a hole in a ship's hull to sink the ship. Fifty-four years later, the Minnehaha was brought to the surface for restoration. And, on May 25, 1996, the Minnehaha sailed on her maiden voyage from Excelsior to Wayzata, a festive occasion that signaled her return to Lake Minnetonka.

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