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Explore the States 明尼蘇達 
Photo of two men with a can of Spam
荷美公司總裁理查諾爾頓(Richard Knowlton)呈遞一罐史邦肉罐頭給蘇維埃總統葉爾欽(Boris Yeltsin),1992

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明尼蘇達州奧斯汀是荷美公司(Hormel Company)的工廠發源地,它是生產史邦(Spam)的公司,史邦即為廣受美國人好評的肉罐頭。創於1937年,最初於電視上播放的一些廣告,即是史邦的廣告。

史邦甚至有吉祥物,一隻名為史邦米(Spammy)的迷你豬。1991年的100週年慶時,荷美食品公司創立了「第一世紀博物館」(First Century Museum),館內的史邦重要記事展覽,很快就成為最受歡迎的展示項目。單就美國來看,每秒可消耗3.6罐的史邦肉罐頭,因而使得史邦成為同類(肉罐頭)產業中的第一名,遠遠領先其他對手。在關島,每年每人約可消耗超過八罐的史邦肉罐頭。


Have you ever eaten Spam? Do you know what it is?

Austin, Minnesota, is home to the Hormel Company's plant that produces Spam, a canned meat product popular with Americans. Created in 1937, some of the first commercials aired on TV were for Spam.

Spam even has a mascot -- Spammy, the miniature pig. In 1991, for its 100th anniversary, Hormel Foods opened the First Century Museum. The exhibit of Spam memorabilia quickly became the most popular. In the United States alone, 3.6 cans of Spam are consumed every second, making it the number one product in its category (canned meat) by far. On the island of Guam, more than eight cans of Spam are consumed by every person each year.

More than 60 years after it was first produced, Spam is still enormously popular. More than 5 billion cans have been sold!

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