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Explore the States 明尼蘇達 
Photo of children from St Benedict's Mission School, 1916
一次大戰時,為紅十字進行編織工作的聖班納迪克教會學校(St Benedict's Mission School)的孩童,1916


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不忘小紅學舍(Little Red Schoolhouse)



現在,唯一一個單一教室的校舍,餘留在西北角的明尼蘇達州境內,它座落於明尼蘇達州的最北點,是南部48州內,最寒冷的地點之一。天使學校(The Angle School)約有12位學生,孩子們通常搭乘船隻從所居住的附近島嶼,甚至距離學校不太近的島嶼,到校上課。冬季時,有些學生會每天騎乘雪車上學。您想要在只有一間教室的學校上課嗎?

Can you imagine going to a school that has only one room and where all the kids, no matter how old, are in the same class? That was the situation in many schools across the country, especially in rural (country) communities.

Becker County, a rural farm community in Minnesota, decided to get together and create a historical record of the one-room schoolhouse experience. The citizens included photographs of old school buildings, interiors, and students. They also found antique school texts, teaching materials and state examinations for the teaching certificate, a teacher's bell and an old-fashioned lunch pail -- all from the first half of the 20th century. Together these materials preserve a nearly vanished educational experience.

Today, only a single one-room schoolhouse remains in Minnesota, in Northwest Angle, at the northernmost tip of the state and one of the coldest places in the lower 48 states. The Angle School has about a dozen students, and children often arrive by boat from nearby and not so nearby islands. During the winter, some students travel daily to school on a snowmobile. Would you like to go to a one-room school?

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