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Photo of a family in a horse-drawn covered wagon

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蘿拉·格斯·威爾德(Laura Ingalls Wilder)露天歷史劇

您讀過由威爾德所寫的「小屋」(Little House)讀本,或看過「草原小屋」(Little House on the Prairie)這部電視劇嗎?

威爾德是小屋系列叢書的著名作者,出生於威斯康辛州的廣大森林間。七歲時,與她的家人搭乘篷車旅行並搬至明尼蘇達州核桃叢(Walnut Grove)的大草原。1862年的宅地法案(Homestead Act)鼓勵美國大眾向西部前進並定居在那兒,威爾德一家即是因這個法案定居在這片草原上的拓荒者之一。


Have you read any of the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder or seen the TV show "Little House on the Prairie"?

Laura Ingalls Wilder, well-known author of the Little House series of books, was born in the big woods of Wisconsin. When she was 7, she and her family traveled by covered wagon and moved to the prairie land of Walnut Grove, Minnesota. Her family was one of the pioneer families who settled there, following the Homestead Act of 1862, which encouraged Americans to travel west and settle.

Today, the people of Walnut Grove celebrate Wilder's books every July with the Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant. The Pageant is a family-oriented outdoor drama with all of Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie book characters. An actress playing a 70-year-old Laura narrates the story, reflecting on her life in Walnut Grove during the 1870s. If you've never read any of the Little House books, you should, because you can learn a lot about life in America during the 1870s.

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