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Explore the States 明尼蘇達
Photo of two children dressed as Batman and Superman
正在觀看安諾卡的盛大紀念日遊行(Grand Day Parade)的兩位超級英雄

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您知道萬聖節有首府嗎?明尼蘇達州的安諾卡自稱為「世界的萬聖節首府」(Halloween Capital of the World),因為它是美國境內,第一個舉辦勸阻人們惡作劇或惹麻煩的萬聖節慶祝活動的城市之一。

1920年,安諾卡開始舉行為期一週的慶祝活動,致力於將「不給糖就搗蛋」的搗蛋行為移除。盛大紀念日遊行(Grand Day Parade)的遊行行列包括了一個,由四所中學的樂團所組成的彌撒樂隊,另一個獨具特色的項目是「灰魂五千賽跑」(Gray Ghost 5K Run),此一名稱的靈感是來自於安伯格(Bill Andberg)的景象,他是一位70歲的馬拉松跑者,人們時常可看到身穿灰白衣服、形似幽靈人影的他,在當地的墓地內奔跑。


Did you know that Halloween has a capital? Anoka, Minnesota, calls itself the "Halloween Capital of the World," as it is one of the first cities in the United States to put on a Halloween celebration that discourages people from playing tricks or causing trouble.

In 1920, a weeklong celebration was started in Anoka in an effort to take the trick out of trick-or-treat. The Grand Day Parade includes a Mass Band, made up of bands from four high schools. Another featured event is the Gray Ghost 5K Run, inspired by sightings of Bill Andberg, a marathon runner in his 70s whose gray-clad ghostly figure can often be seen running through a local cemetery.

There are many competitions during the week, including a pumpkin bake-off and one for best Halloween house decorations. Most participants wear their Halloween costumes. Do you suppose people wear the same costumes all week long?

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