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Explore the States 麻薩諸塞
Image of the Jackson family, 1846


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傑克遜農場(Jackson Homestead):地下鐵道的車站

假如您是內戰前的逃脫奴隸,最好的逃跑路徑是循著地下鐵道(Underground Railroad)。這不是一條真正的鐵路,而是遍佈在北部各州的秘密系統。這個系統幫助南部各州的脫逃奴隸逃至被稱為「承諾之地」(Promised Land)的北部各州或加拿大,因為美國的奴隸法不適用在這些地方。奴隸們時常喬裝打扮並沿著「鐵道」摸黑前進。秘密系統使用鐵路各名詞來稱呼地下鐵道,如:逃亡路線叫做「鐵道」、停留地叫做「車站」,而沿路上負責幫助脫逃奴隸的人則叫做「隨車服務員」。地下鐵道中最為著名的隨車服務員之一就是海麗特塔布曼(Harriet Tubman:詳見「會見傳奇人物),她也是一位自馬里蘭州脫逃成功的前奴隸。

威廉傑克遜(William Jackson)位於麻州牛頓(Newton)的房子是地下鐵道的其中一站。而傑克遜一家人是廢奴主義者,所謂廢奴主義者就是致力於終結奴隸制度的人。今日,傑克遜的房子已經成為一間博物館,館內藏有大量用來研究牛頓過往的歷史物品及文件。

If you were an escaped slave before the Civil War the best way to travel was along the Underground Railroad. This wasn't a real railroad but a secret system located throughout the Northern states. The system helped escaped slaves from the South reach places of safety in the North or in Canada, often called the "Promised Land," because U.S. slave laws could not be enforced there. The slaves often wore disguises and traveled in darkness on the "railroad." Railway terms were used in the secret system: Routes were called "lines," stopping places were called "stations," and people who helped escaped slaves along the way were "conductors." One of the most famous "conductors" on the Underground Railroad was Harriet Tubman (an "Amazing American"), a former slave who escaped from Maryland.

William Jackson's house in Newton, Massachusetts, was a "station" on the Underground Railroad. The Jacksons were abolitionists, people who worked to end slavery. Today, the Jackson House is a museum with a large collection of historical objects and documents that are used for research into Newton's past.

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