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Photo of truck shaped like NECCO candy roll

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您曾吃過NECCO威化餅嗎?即使您吃過,您可能也不知道它們是非常結實的餅乾!1930年代,前往南極的拜爾德(Admiral Byrd)隨身帶了2 1/2噸的NECCO威化餅,在他們停留南極的兩年時間,他及他身邊的人幾乎每星期消耗掉一磅的威化餅。而在二次世界大戰時,美國政府訂購的食物中,由威化餅製成的食品佔了絕大比例。因為這種餅乾不會融化,而且它在運送時,幾乎不會損壞,所以它是運送到海外軍隊的最佳食品。

創建於1847年的新英格蘭糖果糕點公司(NECCO)是美國境內最古老且仍在營業中的糖果公司。NECCO的美味歷史可回溯至19世紀中期,當時住在波士頓的卻斯兄弟:奧利佛及丹尼爾(Oliver and Daniel Chase)發明並取得多項糖果製造機的專利。奧利佛發明了第一台的美國糖果機器:菱形切割器,而1850年時,他又發明了另一台可以將糖碾碎成粉的機器。

1866年,丹尼爾卻斯發明了菱形印刷機器(Lozenge Printing Machine)並創造了「談話糖果」(conversation candies),它馬上受到全國民眾的歡迎;您知道最著名的談話糖果是什麼嗎?NECCO是美國境內第一家製造著名情人節印有浪漫字句及信息談話的心型糖果的糖果公司,情人節談話心型糖果的年產量約為80億顆!

Have you ever eaten a NECCO wafer? Even if you have, you probably don't know that they are very tough! In the 1930s, Admiral Byrd took 2 1/2 tons of NECCO Wafers to the South Pole -- almost a pound a week for each of his men during their two-year stay in the Antarctic. During World War II, the U.S. government ordered a major portion of the production of the wafers. Since the candy doesn't melt and is "practically indestructible" during transit, it was the perfect food to ship overseas to the troops.

Established in 1847, the New England Confectionery Company (NECCO) is the oldest continuously operating candy company in the United States. NECCO's delicious beginnings date back to the mid-19th century, when brothers Oliver and Daniel Chase of Boston invented and patented many candy-making devices. Oliver invented a lozenge cutter, the first American candy machine, and in 1850, he invented a machine for crushing sugar into a dust.

In 1866, Daniel Chase invented the Lozenge Printing Machine, creating "conversation candies," which had instant and widespread popularity. Do you know what the most famous "conversation candies" are? NECCO is the number one maker in the United States of the famous Valentine conversation hearts with romantic words and messages stamped on them. About 8 billion a year are produced!

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