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Paul Revere engraved and printed this depiction of the Boston Massacre in 1770.
由保羅列維爾(Paul Revere)所雕刻及印刷的描述1770年的波士頓慘案的版畫

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美國革命開始前的177035日,發生在麻州波士頓的波士頓慘案是一項抗爭行動。當天稍晚,因為波士頓居民對出現在市內的軍隊感到忿恨不平,殖民地居民群聚對一些英國軍隊叫囂並加以騷擾。當緊張情勢逐漸累積,士兵突然使用毛瑟槍射擊群眾,五名殖民地居民當場遭到射殺,其中的黑人船員及前奴隸阿塔克斯(Crispus Attucks)即成為第一位死於美國革命的人。

這次的暴力事件成為美國愛國者的起事要點,這群由山謬亞當斯(Samuel Adams)所帶領的愛國者將阿塔克斯的屍體放在波士頓的法紐爾廳(Faneuil Hall:唸做 fan-yule),愛國者領袖為被殺的五人舉行了送葬隊伍。圖中的波士頓慘案版畫是保羅列維爾(Paul Revere)所製。它被用來當做要求軍隊自波士頓撤軍的宣傳(propaganda,用來幫助或傷害目標或個人物品)。由於市內不斷上升的緊張情勢,英國軍隊只好暫時撤離波士頓並退守至堡島(Castle Island)上的威廉堡(Fort William)。涉及波士頓慘案的英國士兵也交由審判判決,其中兩人的殺人罪成立,被判自軍中除役。

Do you know who is considered to be the first hero of the American Revolution?

The Boston Massacre was a struggle that took place in Boston, Massachusetts, on March 5, 1770, just before the start of the American Revolution. Late that day, a crowd of colonists gathered to shout at and bother some British troops. Boston residents were resentful of the presence of the troops in their city. As tension mounted, the soldiers suddenly fired their muskets. Five colonists were shot and killed. Crispus Attucks, a black sailor and former slave, was shot and became the first person to die in the American Revolution.

The violent incident became a rallying point for American patriots, led by Samuel Adams. Crispus Attucks's body was laid out at Faneuil (pronounced fan-yule) Hall in Boston. Patriot leaders organized a funeral procession for the five who were killed. Paul Revere produced the engraving shown here of the Boston Massacre. It was used as propaganda (something used to help or harm a cause or individual) to demand the removal of British troops from Boston. Due to the increasing tension in the city, British troops temporarily withdrew from Boston to Fort William on Castle Island. The British solders involved in the Boston Massacre were also brought to trial. Two of them were found guilty of manslaughter, punished, and discharged from the army.

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