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Photo of children of Madeiran descent

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聖事(Blessed Sacrament)盛宴


馬德拉是一個位於大西洋上的亞熱帶島嶼,座落在葡萄牙西南方約600哩處。回溯至1700年代晚期,來自麻州新貝德福德(New Bedford)的捕鯨船會在馬德拉稍做停留,補充補給品並僱用熟練的船員,為長途的捕鯨之旅做準備。捕鯨船回到新貝德福德時,船上已經帶有來自於馬德拉的船員,因而有許多船員定居在新貝德福德。到了現在,新貝德福德擁有美國境內最多的馬德拉後裔。

因為與馬德拉的特殊關係,新貝德福德舉行的葡萄牙盛會是世上最大的。每年的聖事盛宴是一個連續四天的大事,它由一種名為聖事祝福(Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament)的中世紀祈禱儀式開始,後面接著一個為時兩小時半的遊行。慶典中會提供傳統的葡萄牙食物,也有音樂表演。最初的盛宴始於1915年,僅僅是一個由四個馬德拉移民所舉行的宗教慶祝活動,主要是為了重現他們家鄉村落的盛宴慶典。

Have you ever heard of a place named Madeira?

Madeira is a semi-tropical island in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 600 miles southwest of Portugal. As far back as the late 1700s, whaling ships from New Bedford, Massachusetts, visited Madeira for supplies and to hire skilled crews for long whaling voyages. Whale ships returning to New Bedford brought the Madeiran sailors with them, and many settled in the area. Today, New Bedford has the largest population of people with Madeiran ancestry in the United States.

Because of this connection to Madeira, New Bedford is home to the largest Portuguese feast in the world. The Feast of the Blessed Sacrament is an annual four-day event that begins with the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, a medieval rite of devotion, followed by a parade that lasts two and a half hours. Traditional Portuguese food is served and music is performed. The original feast was a strictly religious celebration begun in 1915 by four immigrants from Madeira as a re-creation of the feast celebrated in their home villages.

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