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Photo of a peanut vendor at Fenway Park
羅伯 "花生 "貝瑞(Rob "Nuts" Barry),芬威球場內的花生米小販,19995

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棒球是美國人最愛的休閒娛樂,而波士頓的芬威球場(Fenway Park)則是最老的大聯盟棒球場,波士頓人對這座球場的喜愛不亞於他們對棒球球員的熱愛。芬威球場於1912420日正式啟用,因為它位於名為Fens的波士頓區內,所以才會取名為芬威。

芬威球場在美國的棒球傳說中扮演了一個重要的角色。1935922日,芬威球場容納了47,627名前來觀看洋基隊雙重賽的群眾,這也是芬威球場有史以來的最高入場人數。芬威球場內的最遠距離打擊球是落在右外野露天看臺內的全壘打球。為紀念這顆球的落點,他們將被球打到的露天看臺座位漆成紅色。而這顆全壘打球是由底特律老虎隊的弗瑞德哈欽森(Fred Hutchinso)投出、再由泰德威廉斯(Ted Williams)194669日擊出。擊球距離總長502英尺。傳說這顆球打穿了坐在423721號位子上的男人的草帽!

時至今日,芬威是大聯盟棒球中,少數幾個仍繼續經營中的老式棒球場。據傳它將被拆建並在原址興建一個更加現代化的建築物,但波士頓內的許多居民情願重新修復,而不要用別的球場取代他們鍾愛的芬威。所以1998年時,他們發起了拯救芬威球場運動(Save Fenway Park!),希望能夠保留這座老式棒球場。

Baseball is known as America's favorite pastime and Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts, is major league baseball's oldest ballpark. Bostonians have come to love the park as much as they do the team that plays there. Fenway Park, which opened on April 20, 1912, got its name because it was in an area of Boston known as the Fens.

Fenway Park has played a big role in American baseball legend. The largest baseball crowd ever at Fenway was 47,627, for a Yankees doubleheader on September 22, 1935. The longest measurable home run ever hit inside Fenway Park landed in the right-field bleachers. The seat is painted red to mark the spot. Ted Williams hit the home run on June 9, 1946, off Fred Hutchinson of the Detroit Tigers. The blast was measured at 502 feet. Legend says that the ball crashed through the straw hat of the man sitting in the seat -- Section 42, Row 37, Seat 21!

Today, Fenway is one of major league baseball's few remaining old ballparks. There has been talk of replacing it with a more modern structure, but many people in Boston want to restore, rather than replace, their beloved Fenway. In 1998, they organized Save Fenway Park! to promote ways to preserve the old ballpark.

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