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Explore the States 路易斯安那
Photo of Mardi Gras scenery, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1910
路易斯安那州紐奧良狂歡節(Mardi Gras)的其中一景,1910

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紐奧良的狂歡節(Mardi Gras Season)


每年,紐奧良居民都會歡慶狂歡節(Mardi Gras),即法文的油膩星期二之意。這個節日發生在聖灰星期三的前一天,接下來就是直至復活節(Easter Sunday)為止的大齋期。而大齋期是許多基督徒的絕食節期。將這一天稱做油膩星期二是因為它是大齋期開始前,最後一個可以吃肉及油膩食物的日子。


Do you celebrate Fat Tuesday? If you live in New Orleans, Louisiana, or any place else along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, you probably do.

Every year, the people of New Orleans celebrate Mardi Gras, which is French for "Fat Tuesday." This holiday is the day before Ash Wednesday, and it begins a season of fasting, called Lent, for many Christians leading up to Easter Sunday. It's called Fat Tuesday because it's the last day that many people eat meat and fatty foods before Lent begins.

Today, Mardi Gras season in New Orleans is a time of merry-making and festivity. Many clubs in the city, called krewes (pronounced "crews"), sponsor extravagant parades and masked balls in the weeks leading up to Fat Tuesday. It's a lot of fun to try to catch the trinkets that are thrown to the crowds from the parade floats. Every krewe has a king and queen, whose identities are kept secret until the night of the ball. It's all part of the fun and mystery of Mardi Gras.

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