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Explore the States 路易斯安那
Photo of people dancing in brightly colored costumes
正在跳特內裡費島(Tenerife Island)的傳統民俗舞蹈的年輕Isleño後裔及社群成員


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聖伯納(St. Bernard)教區的 Isleños社群

您知道西班牙曾佔有部分的路易斯安那州嗎?在1766年法國與印第安人之戰後,法國將路易斯安那州交給西班牙及大不列顛。而西班牙則控制密西西比河以西的路易斯安那州及奧爾良島(Island of Orleans)。但當西班牙得知英國想要侵佔這一部分的省份時,為確保該區的所有權,他們決定讓更多的人定居當地。

西班牙詢問加納利群島(Canary Islands)的殖民是否願意搬至路易斯安那州。隔著海峽與非洲相望的加納利群島是西班牙帝國的第一個殖民地,也是哥倫布(Christopher Columbus)發現新大陸前的最後一站,住在島上的人是加納利群島島民或稱 Isleños (唸做ees-lane-yos),他們是在17781783年間移居路易斯安那州的。

Isleños剛搬至路易斯安那州時,他們定居在紐奧良附近的四個地區以便保護這個城市。聖伯納教區離紐奧良市中心只有五哩遠,它是最成功的殖民地,即使到了現在,它仍保有獨特的西班牙風格(在路易斯安那州內,教區就是郡的代稱) 。另外,Isleños也帶來了他們己身的文化,他們的生活環繞在家庭及羅馬天主教堂之間。

1980年時,聖伯納教區的Isleños社群創建了Los Isleños 博物館,它是用來保存路易斯安那州漸漸消失的西班牙文化老一輩的Isleños仍會使用兩世紀以前,隨移民一起遷徙至路易斯安那州的舊式西班牙話,博物館訪問了200多位Isleños老人並將他們的舊式西班牙話錄製成帶後,存放在博物館內。

Did you know that part of Louisiana used to be owned by Spain? In 1766, after the French and Indian War, France gave Louisiana to Spain and Great Britain. Spain controlled the part of Louisiana west of the Mississippi River and the Island of Orleans. But when the Spanish learned that the British wanted to invade their part of the province, they decided that more people needed to live there to protect the area.

Spain turned to its colonies in the Canary Islands to find people to move to Louisiana. The Canary Islands, located off the coast of Africa, were the first colonial territory of the Spanish Empire and Christopher Columbus's last stop before discovering the New World. The people who lived there were called Canary Islanders, or Isleños (pronounced ees-lane-yos), and they settled Louisiana between 1778 and 1783.

When the Isleños moved to Louisiana, they settled in four areas around New Orleans to protect the city. St. Bernard Parish, just five miles from downtown New Orleans, was the most successful settlement, and it still maintains a unique Spanish identity. (In Louisiana, counties are called "parishes.") The Isleños also brought their culture with them. Their lives revolved mainly around family and the Roman Catholic Church.

In 1980, the Isleños Society of St. Bernard Parish founded the Los Isleños Museum to preserve Louisiana's disappearing Spanish culture. The elderly Isleños still speak a very old type of Spanish, brought to Louisiana more than two centuries ago. More than 200 Isleños have been interviewed and recorded in this old-style Spanish, and these tapes have been collected by the museum.

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