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Explore the States 路易斯安那
In the early 20th century, New Orleans crowds saw elaborate floats like these in parades during Mardi Gras
照片中的花車是攝於2 0世紀早期的狂歡節遊行行列,周圍為圍觀的紐奧良群眾

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路易斯安那州的「油膩星期二」(Fat Tuesday)

Mardi Gras即法文的油膩星期二之意,它於聖灰星期三(Ash Wednesday)的前一個星期二舉辦,是一個大型的慶祝活動。聖灰星期三是大齋期(Lent)的第一天,而大齋期則是許多基督徒進行絕食及悔過的象徵性的時期。油膩星期二的前二個星期是節慶的峰期。當地的第一個嘉年華團體krewes創始於1857年,負責舉辦一連串的舞會及遊行。而有幸參與花車遊行者會穿上他們的主題服飾,然後自精心設計的花車上向旁觀者丟擲許多珠串項鍊及其他的首飾。Laissez les bon temps rouler!是慶典中最常聽到的一句法國話,它的意思是「讓歡樂時光繼續下去吧」(Let the good times roll!)


What city has the most famous "Fat Tuesday" celebration?
New Orleans.

Mardi Gras, which is French for "Fat Tuesday," is a big festival that takes place the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent -- a symbolic period of fasting and penance for many Christians. The two weeks before "Fat Tuesday" are the most festive. Local carnival organizations called "krewes," the first of which dates to 1857, hold almost nonstop balls and parades. Individuals, given the honor of riding on elaborately decorated floats in the parade, wear theme costumes and throw bead necklaces and other trinkets to spectators. A French phrase that is often used during these festivities is Laissez les bon temps rouler! or "Let the good times roll!"

The melding of many heritages, such as Spanish, French, English, and African American, has created a unique culture in New Orleans -- a place famous for its rich musical tradition, its distinction of being the birthplace of jazz, its food and its colorful Mardi Gras celebrations.

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