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Photo of battle re-enactment
遊行:溫森斯會合紀念日時,排列在GRC國家公園內的喬治羅傑茲克拉克紀念館前(George Rogers Clark Memorial)等待校閱的西北地區盟軍,印地安納州的溫森斯

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溫森斯會合紀念日(Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous)

只要佔領塞克維爾堡(Fort Sackville),戰爭即告終結。負責帶領殖民地軍隊的人是陸軍上校喬治羅傑茲克拉克(George Rogers Clark),他是探險家威廉克拉克(William Clark)的哥哥。克拉克只仰賴兩件事物即取得此次的勝利,其一是軍隊的精湛槍法,其二是典型的軍方虛張聲勢戰術。克拉克的軍隊是由200名身穿鹿皮衣的拓荒者所組成,但他及他的士兵所舉起的旗子卻足足多達600面!因為相信自己被如此多的軍隊包圍,絕對無法以寡敵眾,所以英軍亨利漢米敦上尉(Henry Hamilton)決定棄堡投降。假如漢米敦識破克拉克的技倆,則戰爭結果將完全改寫。


Have you ever called someone's bluff? That's when you see if a person meant what he or she said or was just pretending. During the Revolutionary War, the Colonists often had to bluff their way to victory. That's what happened in 1779 in Vincennes, Indiana.

The battle was over the capture of Fort Sackville. Lieutenant Colonel George Rogers Clark, the elder brother of explorer William Clark, led the Colonial forces. Clark relied on two things. First, he counted on his troops' expert marksmanship. Second, he used a classic military bluff. Clark had only 200 buckskin-clad pioneers as troops, but he had his men raise enough flags for 600! Believing himself overwhelmed by so many troops, British Lieutenant Governor Henry Hamilton surrendered the fort. If Hamilton had called Clark's bluff things might have turned out differently.

The Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous is a Revolutionary War battle re-enactment held annually on Memorial Day weekend. The event celebrates the capture of Fort Sackville in 1779. Today, participants of the Vincennes Rendezvous include artisans, strolling musicians, and re-enactors portraying soldiers and camp followers. Revolution-era food is served, such as buffalo burgers, turkey legs, and homemade pies.

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