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Photo of Central State and Alabama State football players on the field
中央州立大學(Central State University) 與阿拉巴馬州立大學(Alabama State University) 1992年的可口可樂校區比賽

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可口可樂校區比賽(Coca-Cola Circle City Classic)

可樂跟大學足球有什麼關係?自1984年以來,印地安納州的印地安納波裡每年都會為了頌揚境內的非裔美人,舉辦可口可樂校區比賽。可口可樂校區比賽是一場足球賽,參賽隊伍則是各個富有歷史淵源的黑人學院。而球賽所得則會捐給印地安納州的黑人博覽學術計劃(Black Expo Scholarship Program),這個基金會專門提供獎學金給那些有心向學的年青人。



What does Coke have to do with college football? Well, every year since 1984, Indianapolis, Indiana, has celebrated its African American community with the Coca-Cola Circle City Classic, a football game between teams from historically black colleges. The profits from the game go to the Indiana Black Expo Scholarship Program, a fund that gives money to young people for school.

What's a historically black college? It is a college that was established in the United States at a time when African Americans were not allowed to attend college with white students. These institutions of higher learning still exist today, providing Americans of all backgrounds with a college education.

The Indianapolis Black Alumni Council also holds a college fair along with this football game. The fair gives students and parents an opportunity to visit with officials from more than 50 colleges and universities. The events demonstrate African American economic strength and show the importance of education, while awarding annual scholarships with the proceeds of the football game.

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