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芝加哥境內約有1,300位兒童隸屬於格倫埃林兒童合唱團,它曾錄製過幾張CD,如:From Bach to Bebop,收錄了巴哈(J.S. Bach1685-1750)及爵士樂的傳奇人物:艾拉費茲潔若(Ella Fitzgerald1917-1996)的音樂。自1964年以來,這個合唱團的表演就一直是美國境內,其他類似團體的模範。

Do you think you need to have special musical training to make a record? You don't if you are a member of the Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus. A chorus is a group of singers who perform together.

Founded in 1964, the Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus is an internationally known organization that provides any interested child with a fun choral music experience, regardless of musical background. For many of the children, the chorus is an opportunity to learn how to do something well. As one singer said, "Once, when we sang this really great concert, I knew it was the best thing I'd ever done." Here's what some of the other singers have said: "Chorus is the most special thing I do." "Chorus has shown me what it is to be excellent -- to do my best."

About 1,300 children in the Chicago area belong to the Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus, which has made several CDs, such as From Bach to Bebop, which features the music of J.S. Bach (1685-1750) and jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald (1917-1996). The Chorus's programs have served as models for similar groups in the United States since 1964.

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