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Explore the States 愛荷華
Photo of fifth-graders resetting a tombstone
就讀於梅卡尼克斯維爾市的(Mechanicsville)北松學校(North Cedar School)的五年級生,正在協助重設拓荒者墓園(Pioneer Grove Cemetery)的墓碑,這是「大草原的聲音」計劃的一部分

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因為有些人擔心,年青人對愛荷華州的傳統不甚瞭解或不知珍惜愛荷華州歷史協會任命藍帶特別小組擔任傳授愛荷華州歷史的工作。「大草原的聲音:愛荷華州傳統課程」(Prairie Voices: An Iowa Heritage Curriculum)是專為傳授愛荷華州的歷史及文化傳統而辦。


How much do you know about the history of your state? In Iowa, state officials are making sure that Iowans know their state history. They have even created a special educational program to teach students.

The State Historical Society of Iowa appointed a Blue Ribbon Task Force on the Teaching of Iowa History because some were concerned that young people were growing up with little understanding or appreciation of their Iowa heritage. Prairie Voices: An Iowa Heritage Curriculum was created to teach Iowa's historical and cultural heritage.

As part of Prairie Voices, a timeline has been created to document the state's history that goes back 2.5 billion years! How far back can you trace your state's history? Other sources of information for students to learn about Iowa history include historic farms, cemetery studies, historic sites and Native American history and heritage. How many sources can you think of to learn about your state?

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