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Explore the States 愛荷華
Photo of girl holding baby pig
來自第蒙市的茹絲達德(Bayley Rustad),她正在學習愛荷華州的農村生活點滴,愛荷華州博覽會上的豬舍,1999817


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1854年以來,來自該州各個角落的人會集聚第蒙(Des Moines),以參加一年一度的愛荷華州博覽會。這個博覽會是愛荷華州規模最大的集會,每年都吸引愛荷華州及中西部各州,將近1百萬位遊客前來共襄盛舉。博覽會的主要目的是為了表彰愛荷華州的立州大業:農業。現場會舉辦家畜秀,包括乳品及牛肉、羊、豬、馬及家禽展示會。另外,這個博覽會也提供了一個場地給農民聚會,討論新作物、設備及成就。會場也提供新生動物給參觀來賓觸摸抱抱。


Iowa is a state of farms. It is one of the leading producers of food in America, and its annual state fair celebrates Iowa's important contributions to the nation's well being.

Since 1854, people from every corner of the state have flocked to Des Moines for the annual Iowa State Fair. The fair is the state's largest event, attracting nearly 1 million visitors a year -- not only from Iowa but also from all over the Midwest. The fair's primary purpose is to celebrate Iowa's livelihood -- farming. There are livestock shows, including exhibitions of dairy and beef cattle, sheep, hogs, horses and poultry. The fair also provides a place for farmers to meet and discuss innovations, equipment, and successes. There is also a place where visitors can hold the baby animals.

In addition to animals there are many other activities at the fair. Some people show off their cooking skills or compete in a talent show. In the cultural center, the fair hosts the state's largest arts show, featuring photography, sculpture, and painting.

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