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Explore the States 愛荷華
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您所在社區內,有那些種族?他們之中那一個,擁有表彰自己傳統的博物館?愛荷華州的錫達拉皮茲(Cedar Rapids)也許看起來不像是一個,擁有表彰捷克及斯洛伐克的博物館的地方,但它正是捷克及斯洛伐克國家博物館及圖書館的所在地。

199610月,三國的首長:美國總統比爾柯林頓、捷克共和國總統哈維爾及斯洛伐克共和國總統麥克高華,共同出席該博物館及圖書館的落成典禮。這座博物館及圖書館是為保存錫達拉皮茲地區,首批移民的文化傳統而建,即捷克及斯洛伐克農民。雖然捷克及斯洛伐克是不同的民族,但他們卻擁有相同的斯拉夫傳統。其中一個捷克及斯洛伐克文化所共有的有趣觀點是,他們都將蜘蛛視為好運的象徵。下次當您看見蜘蛛時,記得說:「dobr'y den」,它代表捷克字的好運!

What are some of the ethnic groups in your community? Do any of them have a museum to honor their heritage? Cedar Rapids, Iowa, may not seem a likely place for a museum honoring Czechs and Slovaks, but that's exactly where you will find the National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library.

In October 1996, three heads of state, America's Bill Clinton, the Czech Republic's Vaclav Havel, and Slovakia's Michal Kovac dedicated the museum and library, which were created to preserve the cultural traditions of some of the first immigrants to the Cedar Rapids area -- Czech and Slovak farmers. Although there are differences, Czechs and Slovaks share a common Slavic heritage. An interesting piece of shared Czech and Slovak culture is that spiders are considered good luck. So don't forget to say "dobr'y den" the next time you see a spider. It means "good day" in Czech!

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