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玉米又名玉蜀黍,早在歐洲探險家抵達前,玉米就生長在美國境內了;對許多原住民而言,它是重要的食物來源。科學家相信玉米源自於數千年前的墨西哥,而美國原住民則是自一種泛稱為 「teosinte」(墨西哥類蜀黍)的野草栽培所得,考古學家發現玉米的蹤跡可回溯到5,300年前。

About 90 percent of Iowa's land is dedicated to farming. In addition to producing soybeans and raising livestock, the state grows corn in great quantities. Much of its economy is based on the production of corn and corn byproducts -- popcorn, corn oil, corn syrup, cornmeal, cornstarch, and animal feed.

Corn, also known as maize, was grown in the Americas long before the European explorers arrived. It was an important source of food for many native peoples. Scientists believe that corn originated in Mexico thousands of years ago and that Native Americans cultivated it from a wild grass commonly known as teosinte. Archaeologists have found traces of corn that are 5,300 years old.

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