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Explore the States 喬治亞
Photo of women at a campground
位於全球女童軍營地內的洛夫人 (Juliette Gordon Low) 及美國女童軍代表,1920

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洛夫人 (Juliette Gordon Low) 的 全美女童子軍中心

?您知道這些童軍組織源起何處嗎?這個組織的最初概念是來自於英國,而美國境內的首批女童子軍團體卻是始於喬治亞的塞芬拿 (Savannah) ,這個組織的興起完全是因為一位有遠見的女子。

因為想要提供女孩子一個可以踏出家門,參與社區生活及戶外活動的機會,黛西 (洛夫人Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low) 於1912312日組成了第一批女童軍;當洛夫人還在英國時,她曾與男童軍及女嚮導的創辦人共 處過,即貝登堡將軍 (General Robert Baden-Powell) 及其姐姐 艾格妮思 (Agnes) ,因而當時洛夫人就想要成立一個女孩子的團體。

洛夫人將這個想法帶回美國並創辦了美國女童軍 (
Girl Guides of America) ,這個組織剛開始時只有18位成員,她們與 自然學家定期會面並進行自然之旅、利用營火烹煮食物及進行其他的童子軍活動;洛夫人把時間及精力都花在這個組織上面,她曾以$8,000的價格賣掉了一串罕見的珍珠項鍊以用來支付組織剛起步時的花費;到了現在,洛夫人於塞芬拿的出生地已化身為一座博物館,民眾可入內參觀,館 內收藏t著早期女童軍的相關資料。


Are you a Girl Scout or a Boy Scout? Do you know where the idea for these troops came from? The original idea came from England, but the first Girl Scout group in the United States began in Savannah, Georgia, and all because one woman had a vision.

Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low organized the first group of Girl Scouts on March 12, 1912, because she wanted to give girls the opportunity to get out of the house and get involved in their community and the outdoors. She got the idea of starting a girl's group after spending time in England with General Robert Baden-Powell and his sister Agnes, who had founded the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides.

Low took these ideas back to the U.S. and established the Girl Guides of America. It started out as a group of 18 girls who met regularly with a naturalist to go on nature walks, cook meals over campfires, and do other "scouting" activities. Low was so dedicated to this group that she sold a strand of rare matched pearls for $8,000 to pay for operations in the beginning. Today, Low's birthplace in Savannah is open to the public as a museum and contains information about the early Girl Scouts.

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