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Explore the States 喬治亞
Photo of man dipping jug into bucket
米德斯 (C.J. Meaders) 正在為一個臉型壺罐上釉


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罐 嗎?喬治亞的製陶工業擁有一段長遠的歷史,喬治亞北部土壤中的紅色黏土極適合用來製陶,住在該區的美國印地安人 ,如:克裡克族 (Creek) 及卻洛奇族 (Cherokee) ,曾製做陶 製品,而1700年代時定居喬治亞的歐洲移民,也製作陶器。

歐洲移民的製陶方法為將陶土放在一個旋轉的盤子上捏塑(此步驟稱為拋土throwing),接著將成品上釉,再放入窯 裡燒()1820年代至1840年代,陶器開始流傳開來,而位於喬治亞北部及中部地區的製陶中心則被稱為「甕鎮」 (jugtowns) ;一直到了現在,喬治亞陶器仍持續地生產,而製陶技術、技藝及材料則代代相傳,位於此區的好幾戶家庭仍繼續「旋轉及燃陶」 (turn and burn) ,努力保存這個已經有200年歷史的傳統。


Have you ever made a pot out of clay? In Georgia the creation of pottery has a long history. The red clay of north Georgia soil is highly suitable for pottery making. American Indians in the area, including the Creeks and Cherokees, created clay wares, and as European immigrants settled in Georgia during the 1700s, they too made pottery.

The European immigrants made pottery by turning clay on a wheel (called "throwing"), using glaze and a fire kiln (oven). Pottery became so widespread in the 1820s through the 1840s in the north and central areas of Georgia that pottery-making centers were called "jugtowns." Today, Georgia pottery is still made, and the skills, techniques, and materials are passed on to each new generation. Several families in this area continue to "turn and burn," preserving a 200-year-old tradition.

With few exceptions, Georgia pottery was produced for practical uses only, and any artistic appeal was secondary. This does not mean Georgia pottery lacks beauty. It is the combination of form and glaze, and technique and innovation that creates a simple beauty.

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