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Explore the States 喬治亞
Photo of the festival on the street
達洛尼加 (Dahlonega) 的淘金日1999

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淘金日/ 世界公開淘金賽

(California Gold Rush) ,但您知道喬治亞也曾有過淘金熱嗎?

年時曾於達洛尼加 (Dahlonega) 當地發現金礦;達洛尼加座落於喬治亞的北部山區,它是聯合金礦 (Consolidated Gold Mine) 的發源地,20世紀剛開始時,據傳這座金礦是密西西比河 (Mississippi River) 以東最大且仍在開採的金礦;1901年的大掃除時,曾在這座礦坑內找到54磅的黃金。

每年十月,達洛尼加 (源自於一個印地安字:
talonaga,意即「珍貴的金屬」) 會舉辦一連兩天的慶祝大會,旨在歡慶第一次的 大規模淘金熱,這個慶祝大會已經成為該區最盛大的事件之一;慶祝大會的活動之一為世界公開淘金賽,這項活動始於1961年的加州,旨在紀念洛杉磯郡 (Los Angeles County) 於1842年發現金礦;這個競賽項目於1980年代晚期移至達洛尼加的聯合金礦,贏家是能在最短時間內,自裝滿砂子的選礦鍋內淘選出八塊金塊的人;您認為您要花多久時間才能將金塊淘選出來?

You've probably heard of the California Gold Rush of 1848. But did you know there was also a gold rush in Georgia?

Gold was discovered in Dahlonega, Georgia, in 1828. Nestled in the mountains of northern Georgia, Dahlonega is home to the Consolidated Gold Mine. At the turn of the 20th century, the mine was reportedly the largest gold mining operation east of the Mississippi River. In 1901, during a cleanup, 54 pounds of gold were recovered from it.

Each October, Dahlonega, which comes from the Indian word "talonaga," meaning "precious metal," celebrates the first big gold rush with a two-day festival that has grown into one of the biggest events in the area. Part of this festival, called the World Open Gold Panning Championship, began in California in 1961 to remember the 1842 discovery of gold in Los Angeles County. This festival moved to the Consolidated Gold Mine in Dahlonega in the late 1980s. The Championship includes a contest in which the winner is the fastest person to pan eight nuggets of gold from a full pan of sand. How long do you think it would take you to pan gold nuggets?

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