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Explore the States 佛羅里達

NASA space shuttle orbiter Challenger, April 1984
結束任務並降落在加州的愛德華空軍基地後,騎乘在747/太空梭航空母艦上方的NASA太空梭「挑戰者號」正準備回到甘迺迪太空中心, 19844

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太空梭必須達到時速17,500哩,才能停留在太空軌道內。佛羅里達的布裡瓦德縣是美國太空計劃的發源地。美國國家航空暨太空總署(簡稱NASA)的甘迺迪太空中心(John F. Kennedy Space Center)即位於此處。



猜猜看,直到現在為止,誰是史上最年青的太空人?誰又是年齡最大的太空人?瑞得(Sally Ride)是最年青的太空人,當她隨著19836月發射的太空梭一起升空時,只有32歲。最老的太空人是格倫(John Glenn),他在77歲時,參加過199810月及11月的太空梭發射。

Hold on, a rocket is blasting off!

A shuttle must reach speeds of about 17,500 miles per hour to remain in orbit. And Brevard County in Florida is where America's space program all began. It is home to the John F. Kennedy Space Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, better known as NASA.

"Thrust into Space" is the title of a videotape made especially for the Local Legacies project that documents the flights made from this Space Center.

Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut?

Can you guess who the youngest astronaut to date is? How about the oldest astronaut? Sally Ride, the youngest astronaut, was 32 years old when she flew on the space shuttle in June 1983. The oldest is John Glenn, who was 77 when he flew on the shuttle in October and November 1998.

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