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Explore the States 佛羅里達
Osceola, leader of the Seminoles

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塞米諾族印地安人(Seminole Indian)奧西奧拉的故事並不是眾所皆知的。他為留在佛羅里達州的英勇抗爭,甚至反抗美國政府的事蹟被後人完整的記錄下來。1830年代,與美國政府進行第二次的塞米諾之戰時,奧西奧拉是塞米諾族印地安人的領袖之一。雖然奧西奧拉出生於阿拉巴馬州,他及他的克裡族籍的母親後來搬至佛羅里達州,這也是塞米諾族印地安人的家鄉。當白人移民開始遷入佛羅里達州後,他們希望塞米諾族印地安人能搬遷到密西西比河以西的印地安人領地。奧西奧拉帶領一群塞米諾族印地安人反對遷移。然而,其他的塞米諾族印地安人卻選擇搬遷,而不願戰鬥。

藉著使用白人不熟知的戰術,再加上大沼澤地(Everglades)的掩護,有一段時間,奧西奧拉及一些塞米諾族印地安人成功的抵抗美國政府要將他們移出佛羅里達的計劃。然而,在奧西奧拉被捕並於1838年死於南卡羅萊納州的莫爾特裡堡(Fort Moultrie)後,塞米諾族印地安人被迫離開他們的家鄉。

The story of Osceola, a Seminole Indian, may not be well known, but his brave attempts to remain in Florida and fight the U.S. government are well documented. Osceola was one of the leaders of the Seminole Indians during the Second Seminole War with the United States in the 1830s. Although originally from Alabama, Osceola and his Creek Indian mother moved to Florida, which was the homeland of the Seminole Indians. When white settlers began moving into the state, they wanted the Seminoles to move to Indian territories west of the Mississippi River. Osceola led a group of Seminoles opposed to relocation. Other Seminoles, however, chose to move rather than fight.

By using tactics unfamiliar to the white settlers and by hiding in the Everglades, Osceola and some of the Seminoles were successfully able to resist the United States government's attempts to remove them from Florida for a time. It was not until the capture of Osceola and his death in 1838 at Fort Moultrie in South Carolina that the Seminoles were forced from their homeland.

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