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Explore the States 佛羅里達
Photo of Myth and Dream Expo Exhibit

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另外,這個展覽也有自己的網址,網路上列出了一些大家眾所皆知的佛羅里達居民。其中一個您可能聽過的人是左拉赫斯頓(Zora Neale Hurston),她是一位人類學者及作家。赫斯頓於1903年出生在美國境內第一座全為黑人的城鎮伊頓維爾(Eatonville)長大後出版過故事書、小說、劇本、民間傳說及自傳。自1927年開始,赫斯頓帶著一台相機四處旅行,探索佛羅里達州、阿拉巴馬州、路易斯安那州及密西西比州的民間傳說。她訪問許多人,收集了數以百計的民間傳說,大部分都尚未出版。而這些傳說則被形容為「一窺人類生活的文化窗口」。稍後,她又動身前往牙買加、百慕達群島、宏都拉斯及海地,繼續她的探究行程;在這些地方,她知道了許多在地的加勒比習俗。您會想要挑選一個地方,然後學習當地的文化嗎?

The state of Florida is a melting pot of many different cultures. One of the strongest influences in Florida comes from the Caribbean. It is so strong that a museum exhibit has even been created called "Myths and Dreams." It shows some of the effects the Caribbean has had on Florida and how Florida has affected the Caribbean.

The exhibit also has an Internet site that features some well-known Floridians. One that you might have heard of is Zora Neale Hurston, an anthropologist and a writer. Hurston was born in 1903 in Eatonville, Florida, the first incorporated all black town in the United States, and she grew up to write stories, novels, plays, folklore and an autobiography. In 1927, Hurston began traveling around with a camera to explore the folk tales of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi. She talked to many people and gathered hundreds of folk tales, most still unpublished. The tales have been described as a "cultural window into how people lived." Later she went on to explore Jamaica, Bermuda, Honduras and Haiti, where she learned about local Caribbean customs. How would you like to pick a place and learn about its culture?

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