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Explore the States 佛羅里達
Photo of children on stage in costume holding busts of Edison

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佛羅里達州的麥爾茲堡(Fort Myers)居民自19382月以來,每年都會在湯瑪斯愛迪生的生日當天舉辦慶祝活動。因健康因素,愛迪生與他的妻子:米娜(Mina)一起搬到麥爾茲堡,在明亮、溫暖的陽光及湛藍的天空下,愛迪生很快就恢復健康了。他十分喜歡麥爾茲堡,因此決定要留在當地,並於1887年時,在此處建了一座實驗室。每年,他都會為自己舉辦生日派對,而如費爾斯通(Harvey Firestone)及福特(Henry Ford)等重要貴賓都會到場祝賀。

時至今日,愛迪生的誕辰慶祝大會是一個連舉三天的慶祝活動,活動內容包括了一場盛大的舞台劇,而舞台劇的重點在於,杜撰的愛迪生王國的國王及皇后的加冕典禮。愛迪生的生日派對也包含了許多樂團及花車、寶貝遊行(Baby Parade)、煙火表演、體育場展覽、花展、手工藝秀、高爾夫及網球錦標賽、專業的方塊舞及音樂表演。


Do you know what the kids in the photo are doing? They are holding busts of Thomas Edison for a performance in the Edison Pageant of Light.

The people in Fort Myers, Florida, have been celebrating Thomas Edison's birthday since February 1938. Edison moved to Fort Myers with his wife, Mina, for health reasons. In the bright, warm sunshine and under big blue skies, Edison's health was restored. He liked Fort Myers so much that he stayed and built a laboratory there in 1887. Every year he threw himself a birthday party, and important guests like Harvey Firestone and Henry Ford would attend.

Today, Edison's birthday is celebrated as a three-day event that includes a royal pageant with the highlight being the crowning of a king and queen of the mythical realm of Edisonia. Edison's birthday party also includes many bands and floats, a Baby Parade, fireworks, stadium show, a flower show, arts and crafts show, golf and tennis tournaments, professional square dancing and musical performances.

Now that's a big birthday party! But most people would agree that someone who invented the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and 1,000 other inventions deserves to be honored in this way!

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