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參加Calle Ocho節慶的身著特殊服飾的女性


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邁阿密嘉年華:Calle Ocho

吃過碳烤豬肉串 (pinchos)委內瑞拉餅 (arepas) 或墨西哥碎肉玉米餅( tamales)嗎?這些都是Calle Ocho節慶上的食物。

佛羅里達州的邁阿密住有相當多的古巴籍美國人,每年他們都會舉辦Calle Ocho節。Calle Ocho (唸做kye-yay oh-cho)意思是西班牙文的第八街,而且是美國境內最大的拉丁文化慶祝活動。第八街是小哈瓦那區(Little Havana)最熱鬧的一條街,而且也是邁阿密當地的古巴文化中心。

Calle Ocho是一個大型的街道派對,節慶舉辦時,整條街都會封鎖起來,街上充斥了音樂、舞蹈、視覺藝術、食物及其他的有趣事物!Calle Ocho始於1978年,旨在聯繫各西班牙裔社群,它大受歡迎,原只預計會有10,000人出席,但活動當天的參加人數卻達100,000人!這個節慶一年比一年盛大,到了現在,這項盛會已被稱為邁阿密嘉年華,每年三月會連續舉行二星期多。

Have you ever tried pinchos, arepas or tamales? These are some of the foods available at the Calle Ocho festival.

In Miami, Florida, there is a large Cuban American population, and every year they have a Calle Ocho festival. Calle Ocho (pronounced kye-yay oh-cho) means "eighth street" in Spanish and is the single largest celebration of Latino culture in the United States. Eighth Street is the most popular street in "Little Havana" and is Miami's center of Cuban culture.

Calle Ocho is an enormous street party, and entire streets are blocked off to make room for music, dance, visual arts, food and other fun! Calle Ocho started in 1978 to bring the Hispanic community together, and it was so popular that although only 10,000 people were expected, more than 100,000 showed up! Each year the festival grows and today the event is known as Carnaval Miami and is celebrated over two weekends in March.

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