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Explore the States 德拉瓦
Photo of pastor in the procession
帕多瓦的聖安東尼教堂的牧師:馬克(Mark Hushen)神父,正在收集行進隊伍的捐獻



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尋回?當下次又發生一樣的情況時,您也許可以試著請求聖安東尼的幫忙;對義大利的天主教徒來說,帕多瓦的聖安東尼是遺失物品的守護天使,只要忠誠的向衪祈禱並 期望能夠找到所遺失的物品。

11位聖徒;這個一年一度的宗教 遊行,在2000年時歡渡了它的75週年慶,它是這些義裔美人用來提醒他們的義大利傳統及信仰的慶典。傳統來說,這種用來頌讚在地守謢天使的節慶,會在義大利各城鎮舉行;1925年,威明頓市境內的一座教堂,召集了一列用來表彰聖安東尼的行進隊伍,隨著時間的過去,這個節慶活動漸漸擴大並加入了其他11位聖徒,也成為一個為期八天的慶典。


Have you ever lost something and really wanted to find it? Next time that happens, you might try asking St. Anthony for help. For Italian Catholics, St. Anthony of Padua is the patron saint of lost things. The faithful pray to him and hope that whatever they have lost will be found.

The Italian American people of Wilmington, Delaware, celebrate St. Anthony and 11 other saints with the St. Anthony of Padua Feast Day Procession. This annual religious procession, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2000, is a reminder of their Italian heritage and faith. Traditionally, such festivals were held in Italian towns celebrating the local patron saint. In 1925, a church in Wilmington held a procession to honor St. Anthony. Over the years, the festival expanded to include 11 other saints and has become an eight- day celebration.

In the procession, statues of all 12 saints are paraded through the streets, joined by religious leaders, government officials, people dressed in Italian folk costumes, bands, and others.

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