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Explore the States 德拉瓦
Photo of children dancing
正在表演Laendler的莎拉(Sarah Schreiber)及丹尼斯(Dennis Wessel)


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Saengerbund都會舉辦啤酒節。原本的啤酒節慶祝活動是於1810年,在德國一個叫做巴伐利亞的地區舉行;同年十月,路德維希一世國王(King Ludwig I)娶了特蕾西亞(Theresia)公司,而全國民眾都受邀參加他們的結婚典禮,它因而成為一個 一年一度的活動。時至今日,全球各地都會舉辦啤酒節。

Saengerbund是一個德裔美人的歌唱及社交俱樂部,它是1800年代中期,由來到美國的德國移民所發起;在他們初來乍到的國家內, 與人們分享他們的文化。德拉瓦州的啤酒節為期三天,內容包括了德國的歌唱、舞蹈、音樂及當然還有食物。

What do you think the children in the photo are doing? They are doing a German-style dance in traditional costumes.

Every year, Oktoberfest is celebrated in Delaware by the Delaware Saengerbund. The original Oktoberfest celebration began in a part of Germany called Bavaria in 1810. In October of that year King Ludwig I married Princess Theresia, and the public was invited to the wedding celebration. It became an annual event, and today Oktoberfests are held all over the world.

The Delaware Saengerbund is a German-American singing and social club that was started in the mid-1800s for German immigrants who had come to America. It was a way for people to share their culture in their newly adopted country. The Delaware celebration of Oktoberfest is three days of German singing, dancing, music and, of course, eating.

Unlike most Oktoberfests, which are held in October, the one in Delaware is held in September. Can you guess why? Because the weather is warmer then!

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