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Photo of dancers of many ages at the 1997 Festival



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waila是一種社交舞音樂,又名「雞抓」(chicken scratch)音樂;土桑市一年一度的Waila節,就是以waila音樂為主要 的節慶內容。

音樂來自於托赫諾奧哈姆族(Tohono O'odham),索諾拉沙漠的原住民,也是亞利桑那南部最大的印地安部落。Waila(唸做why-la)是奧哈姆族語,源自於西班牙字:baile,意即「來跳舞」。waila音樂沒有歌詞,只有曲 調,演奏樂器為按鍵式手風琴、中音薩克斯風、六弦低音電吉他及鼓。


Would you ever guess that 'waila' was a kind of social dance music? Also known as "chicken scratch" music, waila music is featured at the Annual Waila Festival in Tucson.

Waila music comes from the Tohono O'odham, the native people of the Sonoran desert and the largest Indian tribe of southern Arizona. Waila (pronounced why-la) is an O'odham word that comes from the Spanish word "baile," which means "to dance." There are no words to waila music -- it is only instrumental, and is played on a button accordion, alto saxophone, electric six-string and bass guitars, and drums.

Waila began from the music of early fiddle bands that adapted European and Mexican tunes heard in northern Sonora. The dances performed in the waila tradition are the waila (which is similar to a polka), the chote (based on a folk dance from Scotland or Germany), and the mazurka (based on a Polish folk dance). Regardless of the beat, all waila dances are performed while moving around the floor in a counterclockwise direction.

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