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The Grand Canyon in Arizona
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年,西班牙探險家García López de Cárdenas是第一位親眼目睹大峽谷的歐洲人。當時他為尋找傳說中,滿載寶藏及財富的神話城市:錫沃拉的七座黃金城,他無意中來到了大峽谷;他的旅程被視為失敗,因為他從未找到夢想中的黃金。


The Grand Canyon is an immense steep valley in northwestern Arizona. Do you know what led the first European to go there?

García López de Cárdenas, a Spanish explorer, was the first European to see the Grand Canyon, in 1540. He stumbled across it in his search for fabled cities thought to be filled with treasure and riches -- the Seven Golden Cities of Cibola. His journey was considered a failure because he never found the gold he sought.

Native Americans, called the Anasazi, lived along the Grand Canyon long before Europeans ever set eyes on it. The Anasazi, who are thought to be the ancestors of the present-day Hopi, lived in caves and pit houses along the edges of the canyon in pueblos (towns). The Hopi believe the Grand Canyon is a Sipapu, a place from which all people emerged from another world into this one.

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