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Explore the States 亞利桑那
Photo of man participating in the Mucking Contest, n.d.



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(Henry Wickenburg)1863年,在哈薩亞姆帕河沿岸發現黃金後,它不只帶來了淘金潮,更促成威肯勃格鎮的造鎮。

1948年,威肯勃格商會決定舉辦一項慶祝活動,藉以表彰黃金的發現;競賽項目包括了鑽 巖和除渣比賽及淘金比賽。鑽巖及除渣是將黃金自地面挖出來的方式,除渣機是一台機器,負責挖出地下的石頭,並將這些碎石運送至輸送帶上,而手動除渣則是指工人由開挖礦砂及不要的石頭。淘金則是自溪流及河水中,將金砂及金粒分離出來的方式; 採金礦是一項相當耗時又耗力的工作!

How would you like to strike gold? There is a gold rush going on in Wickenburg, Arizona. You just have to get in and muck about! Every year, the Wickenburg Chamber of Commerce sponsors a festival to celebrate the town's mining and ranching heritage, and participants get to shovel and pan for gold!

Wherever gold is discovered, there is usually a large rush of people who are hoping to get rich quick, which is why it is called a "gold rush." When Henry Wickenburg, an adventurer, discovered gold along the Hassayampa River in 1863, it caused a gold rush, and the town was founded.

In 1948, the Wickenburg Chamber of Commerce decided to hold a festival in honor of this discovery. Contests include a drilling and mucking contest and a gold-panning contest. Drilling and mucking is the way that gold is taken from the ground. A mucker is a machine that gets the rock out of the ground and moves broken rock onto a conveyor belt. A hand mucker is a man who shovels ore and unwanted rock out of a mine. Gold panning is the way in which gold dust and flecks are removed from streams and rivers. It takes a lot of work to strike gold!

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