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Explore the States 阿拉巴馬
Photo of people playing music
1970年代 後期,人們聚集於雅典學院 (Athens College,現為雅典州立大學) 的創辦者大廳 (Founders Hall) 外

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?如果您參加田納西山谷的懷舊小提琴大會 (Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention) ,您就會聽過,此集會每年都會舉辦小提琴超級冠軍賽競賽。

田納西山谷大會的集會地點位在阿拉巴馬州雅典市 (
Athens) 的雅典州立大學 (Athens State University) ,當地人膩稱它為中南部的祖父級小提琴手大會 (Granddaddy of Midsouth Fiddlers Conventions) 。集會始於1967年,發源人是在田園風味濃厚的立姆史東郡 (Limestone County) 聚首的幾位音樂家,他們決定 該是把小提琴自家中客廳搬上舞臺的時候了。在當時,幾乎每個星期都會有人舉行方塊舞派對,而小提琴手、吉他手及五絃琴琴手都會在家庭聚會或社交場所擔任演奏。

時至今日,大會恢復傳統,再次舉辦懷舊音樂競賽。與賽者可角逐共15個項目的獎金,分別為數個小提琴及吉他項目、口琴、曼陀林、懷舊歌曲演唱、五絃琴及巴克舞 (buck dancing,一種美式踢踏舞配合非洲部落旋律的舞蹈)假如您在小提琴超級冠軍賽競賽中勝出,您就可成為"小提琴王"並帶回一 項獎品及美金一千元的獎金。

Have you ever heard some good, old-fashioned fiddle music? You would if you went to the Tennessee Valley Old Time Fiddlers Convention, which holds a "fiddle-off" competition each year.

Nicknamed the "Granddaddy of Midsouth Fiddlers Conventions," the Tennessee Valley Convention is held at Athens State University in Athens, Alabama. The idea for a convention began in 1967 when a few musicians who were meeting in a rural Limestone County home decided it was time to bring fiddling out of the living room and onto the stage. Back then, square dances were held almost every week, and fiddlers, guitar and banjo players would play up a storm at homes and social events.

Today, the convention brings back the tradition of competition in old-time music. Contestants compete for prize money in 15 categories, including several fiddle and guitar categories, harmonica, mandolin, old-time singing, banjo, and buck dancing. If you win the "fiddle-off" competition, you are declared the "Fiddle King" and take home a trophy and $1,000.

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