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A view of Mount McKinley and the Alaska Range

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答案是相同的,就是馬金利山。高20,320呎的馬金利山是美國及北美洲境內的最高峰;阿拉斯加山脈長600哩,而馬金利山則是阿拉斯加山脈的一部分。命名的由來是為紀念美國總統馬金利(William McKinley),若以原住民語言,阿薩巴斯卡語來稱呼這座山,它被叫做「Denali」,意即「那座高山」(The High One)。


Do you know the name of the highest mountain in the United States? What about in North America?

The answer is the same: Mount McKinley. At 20,320 feet Mount McKinley is the highest mountain peak in the United States as well as North America. It is part of the 600-mile-long Alaska Range of mountains. Named for U.S. President William McKinley, the mountain is called "Denali," meaning "The High One," in the native Athabascan language.

Mount McKinley National Park was created in 1917 as a wildlife refuge. By 1980, it had been enlarged and renamed Denali National Park and Preserve. The park is enormous. At more than 6 million acres, it is larger than the state of Massachusetts. The park continues to be a refuge for wildlife such as caribou, moose, and grizzly bear.

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